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NPO Tsunagaru releases "Multiple Channels," a web-based media site devoted exclusively to multiple births, including twins and triplets.

From the Editor

It is said that one out of every 100 families has multiples, such as twins and triplets. It is said that the problems specific to multiples begin even before they are born. They do not know anyone around them who is pregnant with or raising twins, and they cannot imagine what it would be like to raise two, or in some cases three, children at the same time, and they cannot ask for advice. Even after the birth of the child, they may not know what to do with the heavy burden of raising two or three children at the same time. We have started a web media that collects only information specialized in multiple births for such families.

Let's take a look at the details from the press release.

- The following is content from the press release -

Commemorative event will be held on 8/15 from 9:30 p.m!

The NPO Tsunagaru (Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture, President: Michiko Nakahara) has launched the web media "Multiple Births Channel" (Japanese only), which focuses exclusively on multiple births. (hereinafter referred to as "the site"). The concept of the site is to provide information on daily basis, such as voices of senior mothers and fathers and tips for daily life, to families with multiples, such as twins and triplets, who tend to be isolated and unable to go outside.

Background of the birth of the "Multiple Birth Channel

It is estimated that 1 in 100 families have multiples such as twins and triplets. The "multiples"-specific concerns begin even before they are born. There is no one around them who is pregnant with or raising twins, and they may not be able to imagine what it would be like to raise two, or in some cases three, children at the same time, or they may not be able to discuss it with others. Even after the birth, they may not know what to do with the heavy burden of raising two children at the same time.

In areas with many child-rearing households, there are several multiple birth circles where multiple birth families gather, and there is a high likelihood that multiple birth families will get to know each other. However, in areas where there are few households raising children, there are few opportunities to get to know other multiple birth families, and there are many multiple birth families who are troubled by the unique problems of raising multiples and the inability to share information.

We created the "Multiple Births Channel" to provide information on multiple births and to help moms and dads who have experienced multiple births to gather information on multiple births and child-rearing. We have created a "multiple birth channel" that focuses exclusively on multiple births.

Features of Multiple Channels

1. distribute information such as voices of senior moms and dads and tips for daily life.

We distribute articles and information about the experience of raising multiples and tips for living with multiples by people who are involved in the NPO Tsunagaru.

In "5 Things I Learned After Giving Birth (Part I)," we spoke with a mother of two girls born in April 2017. She gave birth for the first time, in her mid-30s, and at 36 weeks gestation. There were many things that made her think, "This is not what I heard!" After giving birth, she said there were many things that made her think, "I never heard of this! Here is an article about how she felt.

2. "Nationwide Multiple Birth Support Information" to find connections throughout the country.

In order to realize such an environment where people can feel safe to connect and share their concerns and solutions in familiar circles, we collect and post information on multiples' circles, including those for twins and triplets, nationwide.

We are looking for multiple birth circles that would like to post their information on "Nationwide Multiple Birth Support Information". For more information, please contact us at < > for more information.

3. articles on the unique impressions of parenting products for multiple birth families.

We will introduce the parenting products that are used by our NPO Tsunagaru in the following article, which will give you a glimpse of the products that are used by our members in their daily lives.

We are looking for "corporate sponsors" to support multiple birth families by introducing their products. For more information, please visit < > for more information.

8/15 from 9:30 p.m., an event to celebrate the birth of the Multiple Birth Channel!

We wanted to tell each person's story."
It's about who they are and what they value."

Representative Directors Nakahara, Ohno, nana, and Sakaki will talk about their thoughts and prospects for the multiple birth channel. Virtual space "oVice"< > The event will be held at No pre-registration is required, and you are welcome to attend just to listen. Even if you are not raising multiples, please feel free to attend.

New articles and multiple birth-related events on the Multiple Birth Channel!

We will be posting daily articles on the Multiples Channel via LINE Open Chat and twitter. Please check our account as well. (In conjunction with this release, this account has been newly established as the official PR account of the NPO Tsunagaru)

LINE Open Chat:


Multiples Channel was created in collaboration with RitaWorks Corporation, which provides "nuweb," a website production and operation service specializing in NPOs.

About RitaWorks Corporation

Founded in 2008, headquartered in Nishi-ku, Osaka. With a vision of creating a society where people can feel "tomorrow will be better" by taking on the challenge of all kinds of social business, we provide services to many hospitals and NPOs throughout Japan by developing unique IT and web services specialized for the industry. For more information, please visithttps://ritaworks.jpfor more information.
▷Newweb, a website creation and operation service specializing in NPOs [service website].