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Bears and Dai-ichi Life Group begin collaboration. The collaboration will begin with the provision of an "insurance policy that enables the use of housework and childcare support by Bears and others in case of emergency" and the posting of housework services on Dai-ichi Life's on-demand media "Miracil.

From the Editor

Bears, a housekeeping service, and Daiichi Smart Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Co. have collaborated to offer an insurance policy that provides access to housekeeping and childcare support in case of emergencies. It is very nice to have a system that can help in a pinch.

Let's take a look at the details from the press release.

- The following is content from the press release -

(President: Kenshi Takahashi, hereinafter "Bears"), Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited (President: Seiji Inagaki, hereinafter "Dai-ichi Life") and Dai-ichi Smart Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Company, Limited (President: Satoshi Takahashi, hereinafter "Dai-ichi Smart") have started a collaboration to realize well-being of the child-rearing generation. (President: Satoshi Takahashi, hereinafter "Dai-ichi Smart") have started a collaboration aimed at realizing the wellbeing of the child-rearing generation.
As part of the collaboration, Dai-ichi Smart, as the underwriter, will start providing information on Bears' housework support services, which will help support daily life, through "insurance that enables use of housework and childcare support by Bears and others in case of emergency" (official name: housework expense insurance, hereinafter "this product") and "Miracil," the on-demand media of Dai-ichi Life Insurance. The product will also provide information on the Bears' housekeeping services that support daily life through Dai-ichi Life's on-demand media, "Miracil.

Background of the launch of the "Insurance that enables the use of household and childcare support by Bears and others in case of emergency" collaboration

Due to the Corona disaster and the weakening of ties with the community and society, an increasing number of people are raising their children while feeling isolated, such as having difficulty asking for help from parents or acquaintances, or being involved in the local community.
This product is,Based on the product concept of "making the world a place where people can enjoy raising their children as much as possible," the policy covers the cost of housekeeping and nanny services ("housekeeping services, etc.") used in the event of hospitalization due to illness or injury, etc., within a predetermined range, for an affordable premium.The product is a product that

According to a survey* conducted by Dai-ichi Life and Dai-ichi Smart of the child-rearing generation, of those who have no experience using housekeeping services and other services, about half of them"Intend to use housekeeping services, etc. in the future."The respondents answered that they are not using such services. We also found that the main reasons for not using housekeeping services, etc. were "economic factors" and "psychological resistance due to inexperience.
Bears, which operates a housekeeping, housecleaning, and babysitting business, and Daiichi-Smart will collaborate toWe will support people who tend to work hard for the sake of their children and family to "take a step forward" toward building a lifestyle that is unique to them, while naturally obtaining support from household chores and babysitters, etc. We will continue to support them in their efforts to build their own lifestyles.
Market survey on housekeeping services (covering approximately 1,800 respondents), conducted by Dai-ichi Life and Dai-ichi Smart, October 2021.

About Bears

Bears is a leading housekeeping company founded in 1999 with the idea of making housekeeping services a "new infrastructure for living in Japan" and supporting comfortable living for everyone.
Bears is expanding its services as an infrastructure for daily life that supports "safety," "security," "comfort," and "convenience," declaring that it will be a lifestyle support company that provides comprehensive support for "troubles" in daily life, not limited to the area of housekeeping services.

Insurance for the use of domestic and childcare support such as Bears in case of emergency.
Product name: Housekeeping expense insurance (Underwriter: Dai-ichi Smart Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Co.)

Features of the "Insurance that allows access to domestic childcare support such as Bears in the event of an emergency
  1. Receive, within a predetermined range, the cost of using housekeeping services, sitter services, etc., when hospitalized or visiting a hospital due to injury.
    Some cases, such as "pregnancy and childbirth," may not be covered.
  2. If you are diagnosed with a mental illness, such as postpartum depression, you will also be compensated for the cost of using housekeeping and nanny services, etc., within a specified range.
  3. Coverage will continue even if you receive insurance benefits.
    For example, even if you are hospitalized again three months after receiving up to 15,000 yen for housekeeping expenses used due to hospitalization (within the same policy period), you will still be covered for up to 15,000 yen for housekeeping expenses.
  4. From enrollment to claiming insurance, you can easily complete the process with your smartphone.
  5. You can join for a reasonable premium (500 yen/month).
  6. The coverage can be renewed annually and continued for 10 years or until age 50.

Application for "Insurance for Housework and Childcare Support by Bears and Others in Case of Emergencies" (Japanese only)

Click here for product details and application

This document provides an overview of the product as of August 2022, does not describe all matters pertaining to the contract, and has not been prepared for the purpose of soliciting insurance. Please be sure to read the "Statement of Important Matters" and "Policy Conditions" when making a contract.

Listing of Housekeeping Services on Dai-ichi Life's Ongoing Media "Mirasil

In order to contribute to the improvement of CX for a wide range of customers, Dai-ichi Life will launch a new information website, "Miracil," from December 2021, to provide information content on people and their lives, health, money, and insurance, and to create daily communication with customers in a digital space, concerning four experience values (security / asset formation and succession / health and medical care / connection and bond). The new information site "Mirasil" is available from December 27, 2021.
Through Miracil and other means, we will contribute to the realization of wellbeing of our customers by introducing Bears' housekeeping services at the most appropriate time to customers who wish to have assistance with their housework.
*Miracil URL:.

Company name: Bears Inc.
Head office location : 2-1-1 Nihonbashi Hamacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Takeshi Takahashi
Date of establishment: October 1999
Main businesses: Housekeeping services, house cleaning, kids and babysitting services, elderly support services, hotel cleaning services, condominium concierge services, office, store, and building cleaning services

Company name: The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited
Head Office: 1-13-1 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Seiji Inagaki
Date of establishment: September 1902
Main Business: Life insurance business

Company name: Dai-ichi Smart Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Co.
Head Office: 3-2-3 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Satoshi Takahashi
Date of establishment: January 2020
Main business: Small-amount short-term insurance business

... and upwards
(Registration) DS220019

Press Contact for this release
Bears Inc. Public Relations: Contact: Kihara, Takayama
Public Relations Direct : 090-6461-8977 TEL : 03-5640-0211 Fax : 03-5640-0212