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Kuradashi begins virtual storefront for "Manebu," a money learning application.

From the Editor

A new virtual exhibitor has been added to "Maneboo," a money learning application that can be played by infants and toddlers. In addition, a limited 4-day trial event will be held in Kyodo, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo from March 17 to 20, 2011.

Let's take a look at the details from the press release.

- The following is content from the press release -

〜The "Maneboo" experience event will also be held at Kyodo Corti for four days only starting on March 17, "SDGs Day for All".

(HQ: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Tomohiro Ebata; hereinafter "mediba") and ORSO Corporation (HQ: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Yoshichika Sakamoto; hereinafter "ORSO") have jointly planned and developed the "Maneboo" money learning app, which will be used in the app store. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Tatsuya Sekifuji; hereinafter "KURADASHI"), which operates the "KURADASHI" website, began opening stores on March 9, 2022. In addition, an event where visitors can actually experience "Manebu" will be held at Kyodo Corti for four days only, from March 17 to March 20, in conjunction with "Think Together SDGs Day "*1 on March 17.

Background of Store Opening

 Maneboo" is a money learning app that allows children to learn about the money system through work experience and shopping using the in-app currency "Maneboo" at the in-app store, just like playing a game. By experiencing the work of a real company in the app, children can learn about money in a more realistic way, which is difficult to learn in school.
 KURADASHI is working to solve the food loss problem by operating the social contribution shopping site "KURADASHI" under the mission of "Continuing to be a Social Good Company" and is focusing on nutrition education, SDGs education, and local development projects by using the KURADASHI Fund, a fund established to conduct social contribution activities. KURADASHI also focuses on food education, SDGs education, and regional development projects. Through the "Kuradashi Challenge," a social contribution internship program that provides students with opportunities to learn about local social issues through hands-on experience, students are sent to local farmers suffering from labor shortages to assist with harvesting, and lectures on food loss*2 and social issues are held at universities and high schools.

 Kuradashi supports the efforts of "Manebu," which promotes financial education for children as a money learning app, and hopes to provide children with an opportunity to think about what they can do to help reduce food loss and achieve the goals of the SDGs by simulating the work of Kuradashi, We will open a Kuradashi store in the app.

 At the "Kuradashi" in-app store, visitors can enjoy three types of games: "Shukaku," in which they help farmers who are suffering from labor shortages harvest their crops; "Haisho," in which they deliver goods to the Kuradashi warehouse by truck; and "Nabe Zukuri," in which they select ingredients near their expiration date and prepare dishes.

 In addition, an event where visitors can actually experience "Manebu" will be held in the "KURADASHI POPUP" booth at Kyodo Corti for four days only, from March 17 to March 20, in conjunction with the "Think Together SDGs Day" on March 17, which is recognized by the Japan Anniversary Association.
 The goal is to encourage people to reduce food loss and contribute to society through purchases at the "KURADASHI POPUP," while at the same time providing an opportunity for children to learn about the SDGs and food loss issues together with their parents and children while having fun through games.


  1. Cultivation: Harvest by tracing the crop!
  2. Yes, yes: learn the right way and carry your belongings to the warehouse in Kradashi!
  3. Making pots and pans: Choose ingredients that are close to their expiration date and cook them!

●Outline of the SDGs "Manebu x Kuradashi" experience event to learn by playing games

*1What is "Think Together SDGs Day": The SDGs have 17 goals and 169 targets. The March 17 date was established by the Kyodo PR Research Institute (PR Research Institute) in 2020 as "Think Together SDGs Day" and registered by the Japan Commemorative Day It was registered with the Japan Commemorative Day Association (JCMA).

2Food loss: Food that is thrown away even though it should still be edible. In Japan, approximately 5.7 million tons* of food is discarded annually, even though it is still edible.
*Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Food loss volume decreased by 300,000 tons from the previous year

About Manebu

Maneboo" is a completely free money learning app for parents and children. Children can learn about money, jobs, products, etc., through "oshigoto" (fun game-like activities) and "okaimono" (shopping) using "manebu," the in-app currency earned through oshigoto. We hope that parents and children will enjoy playing the game while conversing with each other.
App Store:
Google Play:

About mediba Corporation

Founded in 2000 as a member of the KDDI Group, we operate au Smart Pass and other au-related services and provide services in a wide range of fields in Japan and overseas. With the mission "Bringing HAPPY to people" and the vision "mediba made", we are striving to realize a society where people can live enriched lives.
Representative: Tomohiro Ebata
Established: December 2000
Head Office: Sumitomo Fudosan Roppongi Grand Tower 39F, 3-2-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-6239, Japan

About Kuradashi Corporation

KURADASHI operates Japan's first and largest social contribution shopping site, KURADASHI, which sells products offered at sponsored prices by manufacturers who support food loss reduction to consumers (members) at up to 97% off, and donates a portion of the proceeds to social action groups. We also support various organizations such as environmental and animal protection groups and the KURADASHI Foundation. Under the motto "Mottainai to Value," KURADASHI is creating a completely new market called 1.5 Tier 1 distribution*, in which discarded products are given new value and redistributed, without damaging the normal distribution channels.

*Primary distribution: the delivery of goods to consumers in new condition.
 1.5th distribution: Reforming products that could have been discarded into something of value and offering them to the market.
 Secondary distribution: the re-sale of a product once it has been placed on the market.

Name of Representative: Tatsuya Sekifuji
Established: July 2014
Head Office: Meguro Center Building 5F, 3-2-1 Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0021, Japan


KURADASHI" is a social contribution shopping site:
Office de Kuradashi, a social benefit service:
The Kuradashi Foundation is run by Kuradashi itself:

Major cumulative results as of December 31, 2021

Food loss reduction: 18,632 tons ・Economic impact: 5,775.92 million yen
CO2 reduction: 47.69 kt-CO2 ・Total donations: 74,924,418 yen

About ORSO Corporation

As a company that designs user experiences with technology and creativity, ORSO Inc. has been co-creating digital businesses with various companies, including service planning using smartphones, graphic production for social games, healthcare applications in collaboration with university hospitals, and "Everybody's Health Condition" in the drone and IoT fields at Corona Disaster. We are co-creating digital businesses with various companies, such as "Minna no Somatic Notebook" in the fields of drones and IoT at Corona Disaster.

Representative: SAKAMOTO Yoshichika
Established: May 2005
Head Office: WTC Uchikanda Building, 2-4-6 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047, Japan

*"1.5 Tier 1 Distribution," "Social Contribution Shopping Site," "KURADASHI" and its logo, and "Mottainai to Value" are registered trademarks of KURADASHI Co.
Other company names and product or service names are generally trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.