BTA2024 Application for screening is now being accepted.

Adult Summer Vacation Baby Tech Free Study Call for Entries! 🌈

Even adults want to enjoy summer vacation!
If we can't go anywhere in these times, let's enjoy ourselves 😁.

It's summer! It's Obon vacation! It's free research!

Please feel free to challenge the babytech applications and products you have been interested in and submit your impressions of how you used them. Your free research will be published on our website,! 🌈


I've used this tech on my kids (/ myself / with my partner...etc.)"
I tried it and this is what happened."

Feel free to do so, this is all I have to post.
Please take this opportunity to try out that app or product you are interested in and submit your "Free Research Report" 😁.

As for what you posted,
We will share it with the babytech community, which is currently running a beta version, and we will write articles about your research presentations on our website
The best entries will be interviewed by the editorial department and may be featured in a stand-alone article ⭐.

To make a submission, please use the form at the end of the page after reading the application rules!
Deadline is...

Scheduled for the end of August, but will wait until September 3 for those who are the type to do their homework on the last day!

Application rules

Please send us your feedback on the BabyTech application and products using the form!

What kind of things can be free research?

  • Get into the habit of brushing your teeth with "Pokemon Smile" with your kids. 1 week challenge!
  • Moms are welcome! Take the "Papa Power Test" and try to answer all the questions correctly for a week!
  • Challenge yourself to make a YouTuber-style video with your child!
  • I want to establish a bedtime rhythm for my child! Challenge yourself with baby tech apps and products!
  • I tried to use a smart speaker to keep track of childcare!
  • I made lunch with a menu app!

Success or failure in the challenge is not required! Please send us what you tried and how it went!

What kind of baby tech apps and products are available?

You can find BabyTech apps and products at For example, click on the links below for more information.

Search by keyword "intellectual education

Search by keyword "meals."

Search by keyword "sleep"

You can also look for reference from BabyTech® Award Japan award-winning products,

Challenge yourself to try a function you have not used yet in an application you are using all the time! It may also be a good idea to

How should I write a report?

<Sample 1

  • What did you use? → "Childcare Quiz Papa Power Test"
  • For whom? →Myself, my partner and
  • How did you start out? →Æ I'm on line, one question a day, and I think I'll give it a try.
  • When I did it, it was like this! →Every day, it takes less than 3 minutes. I get caught up quite a bit, so I read the explanations and share them with my partner. It was a great conversation starter and increased the amount of conversation.

<Sample 2

  • What did you use? →Pokemon Smile.
  • Targeted at whom? →For children
  • How did you start out? →I hope you enjoy brushing your teeth.
  • I did it and this is what happened! →My son, who used to hate brushing his teeth, now says "I'm going to brush my teeth" on his own, and I no longer have to chase after him every time he says "I'm going to brush my teeth! He has gotten into the habit of brushing his teeth during this summer vacation!

To apply, please fill out this form!

We are looking forward to your presentation of your free research! We are looking forward to seeing you!