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Compilation of IT companies active in childcare support.

The Nikkei Newspaper dated 07/27/2017 had a feature article on venture companies that are active in supporting childcare, so we summarized the article without getting upset with Nikkei.


A press release has been issued stating that a program to subsidize up to 100,000 yen will be implemented starting in August.

Guaranteeing the same fees for unlicensed nursery schools as for licensed nursery schools - Supporting employees to "keep their jobs" to maintain the 100% return rate after maternity/paternity leave -|Revelezies, Inc.

Leverages supports the early return to work of employees who have used maternity leave or childcare leave. On August 1, we introduced a childcare fee subsidy system that provides the difference between the cost of using an unapproved daycare center and that of leaving the child at a daycare center approved by the local government in which the employee resides. This is to maintain the maternity/childcare leave return rate of 100% and to promote greater diversity in work styles.

Mercury (company name)

In the case that a child is not admitted to an approved nursery school and is enrolled in an unapproved nursery school, the company pays the entire difference in nursery fees.

Addition of unlicensed nursery school subsidies to the "merci box" human resources system - Reduces anxiety about "daycare" and supports employees' return to work

The latest addition to the "merci box" program is a system whereby if an employee's child is unable to attend an approved nursery school and is enrolled in an unapproved nursery school, the company pays the full difference in nursery fees.

In urban areas where many of our employees live, the ratio of children waiting for admission to licensed nursery schools is extremely high, and the number of children on waiting lists has become an issue.

Therefore, for our employees who are considering returning to work after maternity or childcare leave, "childcare activities," in which they search for a place to leave their children while taking childcare costs into consideration, has been a psychological and financial burden.

Under this system, employees who wish to return to work early can do so even if they were not admitted to an approved nursery school or were placed in an unapproved nursery school in the middle of the fiscal year.

cyber buzz

Like Mr. Mercari, we have a system of "full subsidy for the difference between unlicensed and licensed daycare centers.

Introduction of "Unlicensed Daycare Assistance" and "Kids at Home

This is a system under which the company pays a portion of the expensive unapproved daycare fees for employees who are unable to return to work because they cannot afford an unapproved or certified daycare center. The subsidy amount is based on the difference between the cost of approved or certified nursery schools and unapproved nursery schools.

I would like to see IT companies pool their resources and set up an association like the IT Company Nursery School Association to create a more comfortable working environment.

The era of the full-time housewife is over.