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(Mimamori Station" by Interpro Inc. looks good.

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I posted the other day.Noboribetsu City Council of Social Welfare takes on the challenge of a watch-over project using tablet terminals.When I wrote the article on the following page, I thought there might already be similar products and services, so I searched for "elderly people watch over" and found the following page.

Watching over the elderly and those living alone - Mimamori Station, an automatic monitoring and easy messaging system

Life Rhythm function looks particularly good.

No one wants to be "measured" every step of the way, but since Mimamori Station terminals are equipped with motion sensors and other sensors, they can automatically collect the following information. This is something that is not possible with tablets.

It can also pick up and send information from the rear terminal, mat sensors, door open/close, etc., depending on the health status of the elderly person. This will be an option. The motion sensor also has a detection range, so if you want to expand the range, you can attach another motion sensor and send it via Wifi to share the information. Various scenes are envisioned.

The initial cost is 36,000 yen for a Mimamori Station gray dollar, with a monthly fee starting at 1,000 yen. The initial cost varies depending on whether or not a tablet or SIM is used, but we felt that the monthly fee of 1,000 yen was a bold pricing scheme.

However, to what extent can the hardware of the cradle be utilized? By using various sensor functions, the physical monitoring range can be realized by software, but we felt that there may be many needs for "just push a button and watch for life and death". A simplified version without a cradle might be a good idea.