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Food Education Initiatives in Chigasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture and Yamagata Prefecture

In Chigasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and Yamagata Prefecture, the government is promoting dietary education. In the case of Yamagata Prefecture, it seems to be a part of local production for local consumption.

The Second Chigasaki City Dietary Education Promotion Plan

The City of Chigasaki has prepared a document explaining the details of the initiative, entitled "Everyone is fine! Smiles for Everyone! Chigasaki City has produced a booklet, "Chigasaki Nutrition Education Plan," which is available as a PDF file.

Yamagata Prefecture Initiatives

Yamagata Prefecture's nutrition education efforts have interesting KPIs, partly due to the objective of local production for local consumption. Click on the image below to open the PDF file. The PDF file is titled "Outline of the Second Yamagata Prefecture Nutrition Education and Local Production for Local Consumption Promotion Plan.

  • Percentage of elementary and junior high school students who eat breakfast
  • Average salt intake
  • Sales at direct sales outlets in production areas
  • Percentage of Prefectural Foods Used in School Meals
  • Number of organizations conducting food and agriculture education activities

There are many different KPIs.